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时间:2021-10-29    点击数:

讲座题目:Industry-University Collaboration and Commercializing Chinese Corporate Innovation

主讲人:Tong Zhou,上海科技大学




While industry-university collaboration (IUC) is an important means to synergize universities’ and industries’ research and development, whether and how such collaboration enhances the commercialization of corporate innovation remains unexplored in the literature. In this study, we construct a comprehensive dataset of new product sales and patent records of 93,303 industrial firms and 153 notable research universities and institutes in China from 1994 to 2016. Measuring IUC with the occurrence and frequency of patents co-assigned to both firms and universities, we first document that firms with more IUC activities have better performance in commercializing their technology. Instrumental variable regressions, dynamic difference-in-differences analysis, and matched sample regressions support a causal interpretation of our results. Firms’ IUC intensity is also positively associated with more and better patent outputs. Further evidence suggests that our results can be attributed to two mechanisms through which firms benefit from IUC: knowledge acquisition and talent recruitment.


周彤,上海科技大学助理教授,2017年从香港大学获得哲学博士(金融学)学位。此前,于2012年和2010年从中山大学分别获得金融学硕士学位和经济学学士。研究主要关注创新体系中的技术创新和金融发展的互动关系。论文已发表于Management Science、Research Policy、Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization、中国管理科学等国内外权威期刊。