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时间:2021-10-25    点击数:



时间:2021年10月29日 上午9:00-11:00

地点:腾讯会议561 223 635


摘要:This study examines how a small state-run factory in China transformed into a global leader in power equipment manufacturing. Drawing upon cross-level longitudinal data from the company’s founding in 1966 to 2016, we unpack a process of organizational change that unfolded during China’s transition away from a centrally-planned economy. As the relevance of prior experience and organizing templates eroded, the organization faced strong pressures to adopt elements that did not align with its prevailing values. To overcome the challenges of initiating highly controversial and seemingly “immoral” changes, managers engaged in values work to alter entrenched beliefs about how the organization should be designed and managed. We illuminate three strategies that, in combination, animate this values work: reconditioning, negotiated obsolescence, and mitigating risks of non-conformity. By showing how these strategies can reduce the perceived oppositional nature of change, our model contributes to understanding of how organizations reconcile the need for radical change with pressures for continuity and coherence. It also sheds light on how managers counterbalance the risks of diverging from the institutional status quo with efforts to align ongoing changes with shifting conceptualizations of appropriateness – both inside and outside the organization.


讲座人简介:卢芳妹,南京大学管理学院博士研究生。曾在加拿大University of Alberta商学院及奥地利Wirtschafts Universität管理学院访问学习。在Academy of Management Journal、Journal of Organizational Change Management等期刊发表论文。目前研究主要关注组织变革、企业社会责任、高管团队与企业战略。学术代表作品如下:

Raynard, M., Lu, F. *, & Jing, R. (2020). Reinventing the State-Owned Enterprise? Negotiating Change During Profound Environmental Turbulence. Academy of Management Journal, 63(4).

Yin, S., Lu, F.*, Yang, Y., & Jing, R. (2014). Organizational Culture Evolution: An Imprinting Perspective. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 27(6): 973-994.