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时间:2023-11-14    点击数:

题目:Market Structure and Adverse Selection (市场结构和逆向选择)

主讲人:黄大康 西南财经大学中国行为经济与行为金融研究中心 助理教授




本文采用了一个统一的视角来研究竞争市场中存在逆向选择时的多合同问题。我们引入市场结构的概念———即规定一个交易规则,明确了买家可以与哪些卖家同时交易,这个统一的框架能将文献中的排他性和非排他性竞争作为两种不同的极端市场结构。 现有文献表明,不同的市场结构在塑造竞争配置方面起着重要作用,我们既可以实现类似Rothschild-Stiglitz的分离配置,或是类似 Jaynes-Hellwig-Glosten所示的分层汇集配置。不同于文献,我们证明了在其他市场结构中存在中间的“汇集+分离”均衡状态,允许同时发生汇集配置和低风险买家的部分分离配置。 新的均衡能够同时缓解了分离配置带来的配给为题和低风险买家支付过多的交叉补贴的问题。新的均衡经常在帕累托效率上优于Rothschild-Stiglitz的分离配置。我们的分析指出了“1+1”市场结构——卖家被分为两个子群,买家最多可以与每个子群中的一个卖家进行交易,能够囊括所有的中间市场结构带来的均衡。最后,我们证明了新的“汇集+分离”的均衡满足“交易后市场稳定”的概念。

Abstract: This paper adopts a unified perspective on multi-contracting in competitive markets plagued by adverse selection. We subsume the two polar cases of exclusive and nonexclusive competition by introducing the concept of a market structure, i.e., a trading rule that specifies the subset of sellers with whom buyers can jointly trade. The existing literature shows that the market structure matters greatly in shaping competitive allocations, allowing for either separating allocations (as shown by Rothschild-Stiglitz) or layered pooling (Jaynes-Hellwig-Glosten) allocations. We prove the existence of intermediate “Pooling + Separating” equilibria that allow for simultaneous pooling and low-risk buyer separation. Crucially, those allocations alleviate at the same time the concern of excessive rationing under separation of and cross-subsidies paid by low-risk buyers. They oftentimes Pareto dominate the Rothschild-Stiglitz separating allocation. Our analysis singles out the ``1+1" market structure where sellers are separated into two subgroups so that buyers can trade with at most one seller from each subgroup. Any “Pooling + Separating” allocation is an equilibrium here. Finally, we prove that “Pooling + Separating” allocations satisfy a notion of stability that we call serendipitous-aftermarket-proofness.

