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时间:2021-10-09    点击数:

主题:What Drives the Success of Hedonic Product Line Extension: Evidence from Movie Sequels

主讲:高维和 上海财经大学 教授




摘要:Numerous industries, such as entertainment and technology, profit and prosper from successful product line extensions. Hollywood, for example, accrues around 48% annual revenues from movie sequels in 2019. Despite a rich literature examining utilitarian products, little is understood on the factors contributing to the success of line extensions of hedonic products. Examining a canonical example of hedonic products – movie sequels, we conceptualize sequel success, measured on a multitude of dimensions, as driven by content similarity and execution similarity between parent and extension products. We further operationalize content similarity as topic similarity, sentiment similarity and character similarity via automatic text analysis of the complete scripts of 695 franchise movies released over the past 56 years; and execution similarity as cast- and crew- turn-over rates. The analysis reveals that high content similarity leads to heightened box office, whereas intermediate execution similarity is positively linked to word-of-mouth valence and Oscar nominations. These findings will offer powerful guidance to content creation, line extension, talent management, and other related new product strategies.

讲座人简介:高维和,上海财经大学商学院市场营销系教授,上海财经大学发展规划处副处长,学科建设办公室副主任,担任全国质量管理与质量保证标准化技术委员会(TC151)委员,上海市社科联第七届委员,上海市市场学会秘书长,中国管理现代化研究会营销专业委员会常务理事,中国高等院校市场学研究会常务理事,美国亚利桑那大学McGuire创新创业中心研究员。主持国家社科基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金项目、教育部人文社科基金和上海哲学社会科学项目等国家及省部级课题近20项,企事业单位委托课题20多项,参与国家自然科学基金在内的研究课题10多项,主编或参编著作10本,创新性成果发表于《管理世界》《Journal of Marketing》《Industrial Marketing Management》《Asia Pacific Journal of Management》和其他国内外刊物论文60多篇。主要研究领域为市场战略、新媒体营销和服务创新,围绕文化产业、数字媒体、上海城市发展和自贸区建设,相关成果先后获得教育部人文社科二等奖、上海决策咨询一等奖、上海社科成果二等奖、上海决策咨询二等奖、JMS优秀论文奖、中国百优案例奖在内的各类奖励和领导批示近20多次,访学美国西肯塔基大学Gordon Ford商学院(2010-2011)、亚利桑那大学Eller管理学院(2013-2015)和弗吉尼亚大学Mclntire&Darden商学院。