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时间:2023-09-19    点击数:

题目:Awareness or Regulation Pressure: Migration Responses to Air Pollution in China (环境规制还是污染认知:空气污染对中国人口流动的影响)

主讲人:周凌 上海财经大学高等研究院 助理教授




Abstract:We study the impact of China's air quality monitoring and disclosure program on migration response to air pollution. Using information on individual residential locations in 2010--2015 from the 2015 Population Census, we find that this program caused a larger population drop in prefectures with poorer air quality by pushing residents away. These outflows mainly stemmed from worse labor market conditions after stringent measures for pollution crackdowns. The economic costs were greater than 14% of the gains from air improvement. We also show that regulation can universally generate a downward bias in estimating individuals' willingness to pay for clean air.

主讲人简介:周凌,2021年获图卢兹经济学院经济学博士学位,现为上海财经大学高等研究院助理教授,研究领域为应用微观经济学。个人主页:https://sites.google.com/view/ling-zhou/home。 已发表论文有:Favoring Your In-group Can Harm Both Them and You: Ethnicity and Public Goods Provision in China (with César Mantilla, Charlotte Wang, Donghui Yang, Suping Shen, and Paul Seabright) at Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2021)