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时间:2021-05-21    点击数:

讲座题目:The butterfly effect in strategic human capital: Mitigating the endogeneity concern about the relationship between turnover and performance




内容摘要This paper seeks to mitigate an endogeneity concern that has plagued the strategic human resource literature since its inception: is it the departure of human capital which leads to a decrease in a firm’s performance, or is it the firm’s poor performance which leads its human capital to leave? Using the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan as an exogenous event which triggered a “butterfly effect” that affected the departure decisions of individuals working for firms located near a nuclear plant in the U.S., but not the firms’ performance, this study provides strong evidence that the departure of strategic human capital leads to a decrease in firm performance, and that this effect is amplified by the strength of firm–employee relationship.

主讲人简介陈国立,宾夕法尼亚州立大学战略管理学博士,欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)战略系教授。陈国立教授主要研究方向为高管、董事会和人力资本对战略选择与组织绩效影响,CEO-董事会关系与公司治理的动态变化,对组织成长、更新、可持续发展和企业发展活动等研究问题也很感兴趣,如并购、IPO、全球化和创新。他曾在诸多顶级学术期刊发表二十余篇作品,包括Administrative Science QuarterlyAcademy of Management JournalManagement ScienceStrategic Management JournalOrganization Science等,观点和文章广泛被国际媒体杂志所引用。他曾任战略管理协会(SMS)企业战略组主席,美国管理学会(AOM)战略管理部(STR)研究和执行委员会委员,担任AMJAMRSMJ的编委会成员。陈国立教授发表过十余篇企业案例,在2016年获得了战略管理协会(SMS新锐学者奖