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时间:2023-07-07    点击数:

讲座题目:创业学中的话题分析以及社会创业中的价值共创 (Topic modeling in entrepreneurship research and co-creation in social Entrepreneurship)

主讲人:杨晓明 美国内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校 副教授






In this study, we examine the dilemma that entrepreneurship scholars in top-tier business schools face. These scholars only receive research credit when their work is published in ‘A’ journals (those that are part of the University of Texas Dallas (UTD) 24 journal list). These scholars have two objectives: 1) crafting a solid ‘entrepreneurship scholar’ identity that help them make significant contributions to the field; and 2) earning tenure and advancing through the professorial ranks. Crafting a unique and strong ‘entrepreneurship scholar’ identity and making an impact is challenging without publishing in the three top entrepreneurship journals. This study offers guidance to these scholars (and others in lower-tiered business schools) on how to tackle this dilemma. We do this by performing two complementary studies. The first study reveals the research topics in the entrepreneurship literature published in UTD management journals and top entrepreneurship journals over the past twenty years. In a second study, we investigate which research topics have higher odds of being published in UTD journals and which ones published in top entrepreneurship journals. In addition, we perform a citation analysis indicating that certain research topics that are more likely to be found in UTD journals have lower citation rates, a concern expressed by McMullen in 2020. We discuss the implications of our findings for budding and more established entrepreneurship scholars working in top-tier business schools.

在这项研究中,我们探讨了顶级商学院创业学者所面临的困境。这些学者只有在其作品发表在“A”期刊(属于德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(UTD) 24种期刊列表的期刊)上时才能获得认可。这些学者有两个目标:1)打造坚实的“创业学者”身份,帮助他们在该领域做出重大贡献;2)获得终身教职并晋升为教授。如果不在三大顶级创业期刊上发表文章,打造独特而强大的“创业学者”身份并产生影响是一项挑战。这项研究为这些学者(以及低级商学院的其他学者)提供了如何解决这一困境的指导。我们通过进行两项补充研究来做到这一点。第一项研究揭示了过去二十年来UTD管理期刊和顶级创业期刊上发表的创业文献的研究主题。在第二项研究中,我们调查了哪些研究主题在UTD期刊上发表的几率更高,以及哪些研究主题在顶级创业期刊上发表的几率更高。此外,我们进行了引用分析,表明某些更有可能在UTD期刊中找到的研究主题的引用率较低,这是McMullen在2020年表达的担忧。我们讨论了我们的研究结果对崭露头角和更成熟的创业学者的影响在顶级商学院工作。


We examine how effectual logic is related to value co-creation activities of social ventures, and how value co-creation impacts the performance of these firms. We hypothesize that, in face of uncertainty, social ventures with higher effectual logic will be better able to identify and capitalize on opportunities for alternative forms of organizing. We focus on value co-creation as an alternative form of organizing, and suggest that social ventures that co-create value with their stakeholders such as donors, beneficiaries, and government agencies, will have better performance. To test these hypotheses, we used structural equation modeling of data collected from top executives of 172 social ventures in China. The results largely support the hypotheses and the findings provide important implications for social innovation via value co-creation, especially in emerging economies.

我们研究奏效逻辑如何与社会企业的价值共同创造活动相关,以及价值共创如 何影响这些公司的绩效。我们假设,⾯对不确定性,具有更⾼奏效逻辑的社会企业将能够更好地识别和利⽤替代组织形式的机会。我们认为价值共创作为另⼀种组织形式,会帮助诸如捐助者、受益者和政府机构等利益相关者共同创造价值的社会企业获得更好的绩效。为了检验这些假设,我们对从中国172家社会企业⾼管收集的数据进⾏了结构⽅程建模。结果在很⼤程度上⽀持了这些假设,并且研究结果通过价值共创对社会创新提供了重要影响,尤其是对于⼀些新兴的经济体。


杨晓明博士,美国内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校副教授,创业与创新所究中心副主任,美国密苏里大学创业学博士。主要从事精益创业、社会创业等领城的研究。已经在Small Business Economics, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of International Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Management等学术期刊上发表论文20余篇。