题目:Law and Finance: Western Concessions in Shanghai
时间:2021年5月7日(周五) 15:30-17:00
主办单位:betway必威金融系 betway必威金融研究中心 betway必威金融发展与政策研究中心
Britain and France set up their concessions in Shanghai of China in 1845. Accordingly, British common law and French civil law were respectively transplanted to the concessions. This ‘one city, two systems’ provides a quasi-experiment that compares the common law to the civil law in affecting financial development. We find that, even in this oriental city, the British concession outperformed the French concession in banking and stock market. The British superiority in finance became substantially greater after the concession jurisdiction was formally established in 1869, and shrank after the jurisdiction was taken over by China in 1926. As a whole, the rule of (common) law played a pivotal role in Shanghai’s rise from a humble town to an Asian financial center in the late 19th century.
徐宇晨于2020年获香港大学哲学博士(金融学)学位,并应邀成为Beta Gamma Sigma(BGS)协会成员,随后加入北京大学汇丰商学院金融系任助理教授。徐宇晨在法国巴黎学习多年,获金融工程及经济心理学双硕士学位,其研究领域包括量化金融史、家庭金融、公司金融等,尤其关注影响金融长期发展的根本因素,研究论文发表于Journal of Financial Economics等国际顶级期刊。