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时间:2021-04-23    点击数:

讲座题目:How do Alliances Grow and Conflicts Ensue? An Experiment on Conflict Network Formation







内容摘要:We conduct an experiment on a network formation game in which players can either befriend or attack another player in real time. Each pair of players forms an alliance if both send a friendly link to each other; they become rivals if at least one player attacks by sending a rival link. Using a within-subject design, we vary the cost of attacking and test whether a group reaches either a peaceful outcome in which all members are mutual friends or a bullying outcome in which three members form an alliance and all three attack the fourth member. Consistent with the theory prediction, over 90% groups reached either the peaceful or bullying outcome. Furthermore, there is a threshold level of the cost beyond which groups are significantly more likely to maintain peace instead of ending up in the bullying situation. The continuous time feature of our design provides a rich context to explore the dynamics ofalliance formation and conflict. The data show that groups already diverge in coordination behavior after the first few seconds, leading predictably to either bullying or peaceful outcome. Among bullying groups, a player who receives the first ever attack from any other players is far more likely to be the final common rival than other players, and these players’efforts to escape from being bullied are mostly futile.


主讲人简介:黄凌波,南京审计大学泽尔腾经济学实验室助理教授,英国诺丁汉大学经济学博士。主要研究方向是人类合作与竞争的行为以及机制设计,资源再分配的公平和社会选择问题,慈善行为以及机制设计。研究成果发表于Economic Journal、Management Science、Experimental Economics、Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization等期刊。个人主页:lingbohuang.com