主题:A leap in the dark: The role of internal and external attentions on firm performance in the AI industry
The artificial intelligence (AI) industry has emerged and attracted substantial attention due to the rapid technological progress. Drawing upon the attention-based view (ABV), we may theorize that a firm’s organizational attention is a key determinant of technological performance in the development of AI industry. However, how a firm’s internal and external attentions influence its technological performance remain unclear. In particular, external media attention, including coverage (more or fewer), content (AI or non-AI related), and attitude (favorable and unfavorable), can serve as boundary conditions to enhance or reduce the effect of organizational attention. Using a sample of US publicly listed firms in the AI industry from 1992 to 2018, we find that AI-related media coverage and unfavorable non-AI-related media attitude strengthen the positive effect of internal attention on technological performance, whereas non-AI-related media coverage and unfavorable AI-related media attitude weaken the effect. In addition, favorable AI-related media attitude does not show significant impact, whereas favorable non-AI-related media attitude weakens the positive effect.
肖书锋,北京大学光华管理学院博士候选人。主要有3个研究方向,包括:1)基于企业行为理论解释企业创新战略;2)关注新兴行业(例如人工智能行业)中的企业内外部注意力的影响;3)基于中国和美国国家专利局专利数据多方面研究国家竞争力,企业竞争力,和知识流动。目前,相关科研成果已被Journal of Business Ethics接收一篇,四篇科研成果发表于《南开管理评论》等权威中文期刊,还有一篇论文被AOM会议提名最佳学生主导论文。其他工作论文也处与审稿或者即将投稿的过程中。
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