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时间:2019-12-12    点击数:

题目:Children’s Education and Chronic Illnesses of Older Parents in the Aging China





讲座主要内容:Despite a large literature on the intergenerational transmission from parents to children, little is known on the human capital spillover from children to parents. Utilising nationally representative data on both doctor diagnosis and biomarkers and exploiting temporal and geographical variations in the implementation of the Compulsory Education Law, we examine the causal effects of adult-children’s education on the prevalence of chronic illnesses among older parents in China and explore potential mechanisms. The estimates indicate that more children’s education lead to lower prevalence of hypertension, body pain, psychological problems, and memory-related diseases. Sons and daughters have differential impacts on their mothers and fathers. Limited evidence is found for a significant impact on the prevalence of diabetes. Further analyses show that financial support, emotional support and health support (better diagnosis and management of illnesses) are critical pathways for older parents to benefit from their adult-children’s education.

主讲人简介:马媛媛,中南财经政法大学文澜学院副教授,硕士研究生导师,Trinity College Dublin访问研究员,Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)研究会员。研究领域为健康经济学和人口老龄化,在Health Economics, Economics & Human Biology, Population Space and Place, Applied Economics,《国外社会科学》 等期刊发表论文十多篇。担任Journal of Human Resources, Health Economics, Journal of Population Economics等期刊审稿人。