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时间:2019-10-24    点击数:

讲座主题:That's bitter! Culture specific effects of gustatory experience on judgments of fairness and advancement





In English, unfair treatment and social injustice are often described as “bitter” experiences, whereas “eating bitterness” refers to endurance in the face of hardship in Chinese. This suggests that bitter taste may ground experiences of adversity in both cultures, but in culture specific forms. We tested this possibility by assessing Canadian and Chinese participants’ responses to scenarios involving fairness and achievement situations after incidental exposure to a bitter or neutral taste. Tasting something bitter increased self-reported motivation and intention to invest efforts for Chinese participants, but not for Anglo-Canadian participants (studies 1, 4, 5). Tasting something bitter decreased perceived fairness for Anglo-Canadian participants (studies 1-3), but not for Chinese participants living in China (study 2). The fairness judgments of Chinese participants living in Canada shed light on the acquisition of the metaphors of the host culture: bitter taste decreased these participants’ fairness judgments after living in Canada for 4 years or more (study 4), provided they were tested in English (studies 3-4), but exerted no influence when they were tested in Chinese (study 4). The observed cultural differences are compatible with a relatively higher emphasis on self-improvement in China vs. self-enhancement in Canada. Supporting this conjecture, the responses of Chinese students living in Canada followed the Anglo-Canadian pattern when primed with a self-enhancement motive, whereas the responses of Anglo-Canadian students followed the Chinese pattern when primed with a self-improvement motive (study 5). Thus, a universal aversive experience (bitter taste) grounds thought about adversity in ways compatible with broader cultural orientations.



万方教授的主要研究兴趣为品牌管理、消费者心理学和管理创新,并以融合消费者视角(消费者与品牌互动)和企业视角(品牌管理策略)为主要研究特色。万博士所授课程包括:国际市场营销,消费者行为研究,品牌管理和跨文化品牌管理等,涵盖本、硕、博、MBA、EMBA 5个层次。目前,万博士在Journal of Personality and Social Psychology、Organization Behavior and Human Decision Process、Journal of Business Research等国际知名学术期刊上发表文章了多篇论文(其中,SSCI检索30篇,顶级期刊4篇);获得了多达15项的国家级和校级学术奖励;受聘为以色列希伯来大学,泰国UTCC、中欧国际工商管理学院,哈尔滨工业大学,西南财经大学等多所知名高校的客座教授;万方教授也一直致力于品牌研究和实践应用的融合创新。近年来,万方教授及其带领的品牌研究团队为超过200家的加拿大本土公司和跨国公司以及等各类非盈利机构提供了品牌咨询服务,其创新成果并努力推广的“品牌三角模式”和“品牌系统构建方法”在产业界备受推崇。万方教授还作为创始人或联合创始人推动了加拿大Butterfly行为学习研究所、中国品牌思为俱乐部、四川Fella品牌俱乐部等一批知名的品牌研究推广机构的建设运营。鉴于万方教授在产业界的影响,曾经为品牌中国规划研究院(中国国家级智库)的创始做出努力,并被聘为该院的品牌专家,爱因斯坦基金会执行董事等一系列重要职务。