主题:Perish in Gossip? Nonlinear Effects of Perceived Negative Workplace Gossip on Job Performance
Previous research suggested a negative linear relationship between perceived negative workplace gossip and target employee’s work-related behaviors. However, the complex relationship between perceived negative gossip and employee performance has yet to be explored by existing literature. This article proposed a curvilinear relationship between perceived negative workplace gossip and target employee’s task performance. Drawing from
conservation of resources theory, we developed and tested a model to explain how different levels of negative gossip impact task performance based on either resource conservation or resource acquisition motivation. By collecting supervisor-subordinate dyadic time-lagged data (n = 275) from China, we found support for a U-shaped relationship between perceived negative gossip and task performance. Moreover, perceived organizational support (POS) moderated the curvilinear relationship such that the curvilinear relationship is more pronounced among those with lower POS.
黄起海,博士,现任英国吉尔大学管理学院讲座教授。北京大学毕业后考入中央国家机关工作。他随后考取英国政府志奋领(Chevening)奖学金赴英国留学并先后获得布里斯托大学(University of Bristol)硕士和博士学位。他曾任兰卡斯特大学管理学院创新创业与企业发展系主任,兰卡斯特大学孔子学院院长,主要研究方向为创新创业与人力资源管理。黄博士研究成果发表在诸多高水平国际期刊如Human Resource Management Journal,British Journal of Industrial Relations, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Regional Studies, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development。.
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