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珞珈营销科学学术论坛第8期:哥本哈根商学院Chee-Wee Tan教授来我院学术交流指导
时间:2016-05-30    点击数:

  5月27日上午,受betway必威市场营销与旅游管理系的邀请,哥本哈根商学院Chee-Wee Tan(陈致玮)教授来我院进行学术交流指导。学术交流活动在学院B253举行,市场营销与旅游管理系副主任崔楠教授主持了此次交流活动,徐岚教授、朱华伟副教授、赵晶副教授以及20余名学生参与了此次讨论。其中4名博士和硕士研究生汇报了自己的研究,并同老师和同学们展开了激烈的讨论,接受了陈教授等老师的指导并获得了宝贵的建议。




  Chee-Wee Tan is an Associate Professor in the Department of IT Management at Copenhagen Business School. He holds a PhD in Business Administration from the University of British Columbia (Canada) as well as Master of Science and Bachelor of Science degrees from the National University of Singapore (Singapore). His primary research interests focuses on design and innovation issues related to the delivery of digital services in various contexts (e.g., e-business, e-commerce, e-government, e-health, e-marketplace and m-commerce). His research, published in top journals, such as MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Decision Support Systems and European Journal of Information Systems. Chee-Wee Tan is currently serving as Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly.(通讯员:刘洪亮,摄影:简佩茹)