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管理科学与工程学术论坛第18期:美国韦恩州立大学Mike Ilitch商学院严婷婷副教授来我院讲学
时间:2018-05-28    点击数:

  5月24日下午,应betway必威管理科学与工程系的邀请,美国韦恩州立大学Mike Ilitch商学院市场营销与供应链系的严婷婷副教授为我院师生作了题为“供应网络驱动下的企业创新(supply network -driven innovation)”的学术讲座,讲座在betway唯一官方网站C373教室进行,管理科学与工程系的师生参加了讲座。


  如何在对企业的供应网络进行管理的基础上更好地进行创新?这是供应网络管理中持久不衰的热点话题,严老师所在团队提出了关乎企业创新的四个模块,辅之以生动的案例和数据,着重从供应网络的维度进行了剖析,阐释了供应网络创新对于驱动企业创新的重要价值。随后,严老师展示了其最新研究成果《Incentivizing Supplier Involvement in Buyer Innovation: An Experimental Study》,该论文使用数学模型与实证研究相结合的方法来对假设模型进行双向模拟验证,对如何采取适当的方式激励供应商参与到买方的创新实践进行深入阐释。在讲座过程中,严教授不断引导大家深入思考,又引入行为实验方法,循序渐进、逐级剖析,生动再现了供应网络创新对于企业创新的重要意义。在提问环节,严老师和在场师生展开了热烈互动,大家就论文中所提到的研究视角和研究方法进行了深入探讨,在场师生深受启发。

  主讲人简介:Tingting Yan is an associate (tenured) professor in the Global Supply Chain department at Wayne State University. Her research interests are in innovation and supply chain management. Her doctoral dissertation specifically focuses on manufacturer-supplier collaboration in new product development. She teaches in areas of supply chain management, quality management and production planning and control. Her dissertation work has won the ISM dissertation award in 2010.

  She is an associate editor for Journal of Supply Chain Management, and also, she is a member of DSI, POM and AOM and serves as an Editorial Board reviewer for Journal of Operations Management, Decision Science, International Journal of Production Economics, and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. For two consecutive years in 2014 and 2015, she was recognized as a Best Reviewer for the Journal of Operations Management, an award given to less than 2% of JOM reviewers. In 2015, she was also recognized as a Best Reviewer for the Journal of Supply Chain Management, another top journal in the field of supply chain management.

  Her work has been published in Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, International Journal of Procurement Management and International Journal of Logistics Management.

  She won the 2015 Carol J. Latta Memorial DSI Emerging Leadership Award for Outstanding Early Career Scholar Award, which goes to a single global scholar in the decision sciences disciplines. Other awards include the 2014 Excellence in Research Award in the Mike Ilitch School of Business at Wayne State University. She is also a finalist for the Past Chairs Emerging Scholar Award offered by the technology and Innovation Management Division (TIM) of the 2015 Academy of Management annual conference, etc.
