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时间:2019-05-28    点击数:

  受我院管理科学与工程系邀请,2019年5月10日上午,香港理工大学商学院物流与海事研究学系汪玉兰副教授为我院师生做了一场精彩的学术报告。该学术讲座主题为“Information Sharing, Pricing Timing and Platform Selection”,由管理科学与工程系主任许明辉老师主持,戴宾、陈植元等老师以及我院二十多名博士生、硕士生和本科生参加了此次学术活动。

  汪玉兰老师从网络平台(online platform)、混合平台(Hybrid platform)、纯代理平台(Pure agency platform)、批发价契约的时间顺序(Timing of contracting over wholesale pricing)这四个关键词引入,由此引出了信息共享和批发价契约的时间顺序是如何影响网络平台选择的研究问题。汪老师为师生们详细介绍了该问题的研究背景,然后对不同的情形构建了数学模型,并给出了求解分析的方法。通过对所得到的结果的对比分析,揭示了网络平台选择的影响因素。





  主讲人简介:Yulan Wang is currently an associate professor in the Department of the Logistics and Maritime Studies at the Faculty of Business of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She received her Ph.D degree in Business Administration from Duke University. She obtained both her BS and MS degrees from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Her research work has been published in leading academic journals such as Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, among others. Her research interests include supply chain management, sustainability operations, and the behavioral issues in operations management. She serves as the senior editor for Production and Operations Management and the associate editor for Omega. She is the editorial review board member of Production and Operations Management and the editorial advisory board member of Transportation Research - Part E.
