根据我校与日本立命馆大学(Ritsumeikan University)的日常交流,现提供一个短期交流项目——Business Track. 推荐全日制本科生于2009年秋季赴日本立命馆大学交流学习。现将有关情况通知如下:
• 用英文授课,大多数课程每周上一次。
• 时间:2009学年9月入学(一学期)。
有关Business Track短期交流项目的详情
Scholarship Types
1) Ritsumeikan University Non-Degree Inbound Exchange Scholarship (RUSSES)
This competitive scholarship is designed for exceptional partner university students in need of financial assistance while enrolled in the Study in Kyoto Program for either one semester or one year. Students must be nominated by their university exchange office to be eligible.
Scholarship Benefits:
A monthly stipend of 40,000 Japanese Yen for a period of 4 or 10 months.
2) JASSO Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan)(JASSO)
This scholarship is offered by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).
JASSO Scholarship Benefits:
1. A monthly stipend of 80,000 Japanese Yen for a period of 10 months.
2. A settling-in allowance of 80,000 Japanese Yen. (This allowance is meant to defray the cost
of travelling to Japan)
Note: the following students are ineligible for the JASSO Scholarship
b) Taiwanese nationals (Taiwanese students interested in applying for a scholarship equivalent to that offered by JASSO should apply to the Interchange Association Japan (IAJ) through their home university).
c) students who are receiving another scholarship which amounts to more than 80,000 Yen per month for the purpose of studying in Japan.
d) students who have studied in Japan previously using a scholarship provided by JASSO.
e) students with a GPA less than 2.3 on a 3.0 scale.
f) students from countries that do not have diplomatic relations with Japan.
STEP1: 学院初审 请申请人将申请表交到学院B142余老师 |
STEP2: 教务部备案 (教务部112室 丁老师) |
初审后,学院将通知拟推荐人将申请表交到教务部112室丁老师。 |
STEP3: 等候国际交流部通知 |
拟推荐人等候国际交流部电话通知,根据国际交流部的要求办理其他手续。 |
特别提醒:请申请人将申请表于2009年4月15日之前交到EMS B142 余老师,过时不候!! |
betway唯一官方网站(EMS) 联系人:余老师 联系电话:68753003 betway必威国际交流部 联系人:陈老师 联系电话:68779092