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关于伦敦经济政治学院 (London School of Economics)2012年另类投资国际会议的邀请通知
时间:2011-11-21    点击数:


以下是经济政治学院 - 2012年另类投资国际会议的有关资料,有意参与的同学请按照要求报名参加。

经济政治学院 - 2012年另类投资国际会议

London School of Economics SU Alternative Investments Conference 2012

世界上最大的另类投资 (对冲基金 “hedge funds” 与私人股本 “private equity“)学生会议!!!

这个另另类投资国际会议是世界最大的学生会议,请来了总共超过50位发言人,和参与者们发表有关冲基金 (hedge funds) 私人股本 (private equity)的言论,以及与参与者经行讨论于分享个人意见。我们已经请来总共超过50位在这个领域十分有成就与经验的发言人和350位来自世界各地的代表人,一定能让参与者获益不浅。由于近几年国际金融市场不稳定,许多投资者都分别投向另类投资来开发新市场,所以这次的会议一次性的聚集了全方位的演讲者与讨论内容,绝对能让参与者根深入的了解另类投资。

这次的会议将在Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square, 英国伦敦举行,从2012年一月23号到24号。在会议结束后,我们还准备了舞会与参观伦敦景点的行程,让参与者互相交流。我们还准备了展览会-许多金融公司像是BCGCREDIT SUISSE 都会派有关人员到场与参与者交流和帮助回答一些有关于实际工作的问题。

有意参与的同学到以下网站(http://www.lseaic.com/ 名,但一定要得附上简历, 整个程序不会花超过十五分钟。您的简历都会由专业 招聘公司和助公司审查,包括 Man Group, Liongate Capital Management, Bain & Company 等等。多上一届的参与都因此而得获实习机会与工作,所以一定会大家益不少,希望大家能踊跃报名!

截至日期是2011 12 4号,12 am ,午夜十二点(时间)









Speakers for AIC 2011 include:

冲基金 Hedge Fund Day, 2012123

* Gillian Tett, US Managing Editor, Financial Times
* Peter Clarke, Chief Executive Officer, Man Group
* Randall Dillard, Co-Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Liongate Capital Management

* Hugh Hendry, Founder and CIO, Eclectica Asset Management
* Christian Levett, Chief Executive Officer, Clive Capital
* Dr. John Porter, MD and Head of Global Strategic Portfolio, Barclays Capital
* Steven Drobny, Co-Founder, Drobny Global
* Stephen Jen, Managing Partner, SLJ Macro
* Dr. Savvas Savouri, Chief Investment Officer, Toscafund
* Jerome Lussan, Chief Executive Officer, Laven Partners

* Bernard Minsky, Head of Portfolio Analysis & Risk Management, IAM
* Michael Paciullo, Global Head of Operational Due Diligence, IAM
* Dr. Savvas Savouri, Chief Investment Officer, Toscafund
* Kristof Bulkai, Co-Head of Water and Agriculture, Thames River Capital
* John Thompson, Partner, Energy Alpha Strategies
* Erik Serrano Berntsen, Partner, Energy Alpha Strategies
* Alon Avner, MD, Sankaty Advisors
* Senior Managing Director (TBA), UBS

"Best Trade Idea Panel" - All AIC 2012 Accepted Student Delegates, who have confirmed their attendance via ticket payment, will be invited to submit a 1-page "Best Trade Idea" for evaluation by a panel of well-known macro managers: Hugh Hendry, Christian Levett, Dr. John Porter, and Steven Drobny. The top three trade ideas will be selected and the three finalists will be invited to give a 3-5 minute presentation to the Managers live at the Conference. The Managers will critique the ideas and select a winner. The segment will end with a Manager discussion of how they structure their trades and a review of their own best trade ideas.

私人股本日(Private Equity Day, 2012 124

* Glenn Hutchins, Co-Founder and Co-CEO, Silver Lake
* Lord Stanley Fink, CEO, ISAM and Earth Capital Partners
* Hugh Langmuir, Managing Partner, Cinven

* Vindi Banga, Partner, Clayton, Dubilier & Rice
* David Novak, Partner, Clayton, Dubilier & Rice
* Joseph Baratta, Senior Managing Director, Head of European Private Equity Group, The Blackstone Group
* Gareth Turner, Partner, Apollo Management
* Jeremy Young, Managing Director, Warburg Pincus
* Graham Elton, VP, Head of European Private Equity Practice, Bain & Company
* Christian Lucas, MD and Co-Head of Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Silver Lake
* Joe Osnoss, MD and Co-Head of Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Silver Lake
* Willy Burkhardt, President, Blue Man Group
* Erik Baker, Co-Founder, GF Capital Management & Advisory

* Marc Boheim, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs
* Elaine Small, Partner, Paul Capital
* Neil Mehta, Co-Founder, Greenoaks Capital
* Karima Ola, Chief Investment Officer, ADC, a company of the ABL Group
* Timothy Nuy, Investment Officer, ADC, a company of the ABL Group
* Douglas Getter, Senior Partner, Dechert LLP
* Gus Black, Senior Partner, Dechert LLP
* Senior Managing Director (TBA), Credit Suisse

程(Special Features):
"Silver Lake Strategy Session" - Glenn Hutchins, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Silver Lake, will join the two co-heads of Silver Lake's European Office, Joe Osnoss and Christian Lucas, on stage to discuss Silver Lake strategy and how the firm evaluates deals before turning to case studies of successful deals and exits.

"Behind the Blue: How GF Capital Creates Operational Value for the Blue Man Group" - Willy Burkhardt, President of Blue Man Group, and Erik Baker of GF Capital Management will take us "behind the blue" as they discuss the important role that a private equity firm can play in the development of a brand and how operational expertise can add significant value to a company's business strategy and success.

"Operating Model in Practice" - Vindi Banga and David Novak of world-renowned private equity firm, Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, will discuss the tried and tested operating model of CD&R that is premised on "building good businesses" through the lens of both the Operating Partner (Banga) and the Financial Partner (Novak)